Reason probably is that America wants to get rid of this major embarassment and what better way than to hide it all or even erase it? If we're not careful and don't start making some good noise now, the Indian will disappear through assimulation and other slow genocide into many of the American museums as no more than a memory and the curators will do everything in their power to escape responsibility and misrepresent the Indians to fit their own convenience as there will be no real Indian left to protest these ideas anymore. And of course these museums like the one on the left here only show the past, biased or not., because that's what museums are for, to show the past and to show history, but that is not what we want. We want a future for Indians and we need all the help we can get for this. so remember, just because you don't hear about Indians, that doesn't mean nothing is happening in Indian land. We just need to consult the Indian webpages to know about this because mainstream media are showing no interest most of the time. For those who want to know what is really happening TODAY I refer to the