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When science goes racist
where countries like Norway, Sweden and Finland reside. This pre-christian religion consisted of many gods and one of its advocates is the American neo-pagan odinist Stephen McNallen. Now not all odinists are racist but this religion does have a racist reputation, even in neo-pagan circles. Of course we have no way of knowing if all of today's asatru resmebles the ancient faith and which part is reconstructionist.
Thor's Hammer, symbol of Asatru or Odinism
But there are odinists who are kind of obsessed with race and its supposed noble features and it looks like Mr McNallen is one of
Neo-pagan Odinist Stephen McNallen
them. I'm only saying this because he has posted a
whole series on YouTube about Kennewick Man where he is giving a lecture about it to a congragation and by the looks of it he is pretty excited by the idea that "white people were the first Americans". But even with the first findings by scientists examining the skeleton that determined Kennewick Man to be of caucasian origin, if that is true we now know that this has nothing to do with white people whatsoever. So this makes me wonder what these first-white-americans-theorists are going to do, who had always been accusing the Indians who under the NAGPRA (Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act) demended reburial of the remains now that we know that Kennewick Man is obviously not white? As also the Ainu are not white? Will they still be denying Indians their rightful Native American identity? And even if it would be true that Indians came from Asia a very very long time ago, I would think that the first humans to arrive on any continent have a right to call themselves indigenous.
Thor, god of thunder and his mighty hammer
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