Piet Heyn, to many Dutch people still a famous "sea hero", next to Michiel de Ruyter. Children's songs still sing of his glorified heroic deed. This heroic deed consisted of capturing the famous Spanish Treasure Fleet. ThisTreasure Fleet was a fleet of Spanish ships, containing the Inca treasures, stolen by the men of Francisco Pizarro, the thief and Indian butcher and founder of the Peruvian capital of Lima. In these days the Netherlands were invaded and occupied by the rather cruel Spanish general Alva who was governor of Holland. His reign led to much Dutch resistance and to the formation of the United Seven Provinces of the Netherlands. This is why Piet Heyn received a letter of marque from the Dutch authorities, which gave him permission for piracy, which was legal at the time, to capture the Spanish Treasure Fleet to which he eventually succeeded. The Treasure Fleet consisted of a colonial loot of treasures stolen from Asia and South America and the enormous value of it was in the millions.