animals to court, represented by a lawyer because it so happened that they couldn't speak, and you could point to a neighbour you didn't like and say "She's a witch" and she'd instantly be arrested. And for those who have the audacity to speak of "superior DNA", it's the exact same DNA people, they are our own ances-tors and it doesn't make a shred of difference. We are just lucky to live in more enlightened time right now, that's all. And then, what on earth was so wrong about living in teepees anyway? The Romans had tents for their soldiers and generals, tourists still go to camp sites, and these Romans never had any television broadcasting the latest speech by Julius Caesar, nor did they miss it or have any need for it. People just had oil lamps and candles and used horses for transport. When the solutrians (stone age Europeans) were living the simple life the chinese already had their chop sticks and more refined culture. Not that it matters much to me though, but no matter how much we brag about magnificent buildings like the Taij Mahal, the Chinese Wall or the Empire state Building, in no way do these things elevate us above others. Yes, we do have phones and cars now, but we now also have to pay more for organic food while for centuries that quality was
but now sadly it has become a luxury to have food that is even remotely natural. Even peace and quiet has become a luxury now in our ever so noisy society these days. Main thing is, the world has lived without electricity, computers, cars, phones and television for thousands and thousands of years without anyone complaining about it, therfore it is obvious that these things were only made important. Keep that in mind. Imagine the polution and the state of almost depleted recourses if the Romans or the Celts already would have had cars. Never tell Indians to thank the Whiteman for anything as if anything the first colonists wouldn't even have survived without their help. Do not insult an ethnic group that has been downtrodden the most. |