The Austrian architect Rudolf Steiner invented a spiritual philosophy called anthroposophy, based on theosophy and the individual development of people in his famous Waldorf schools, a type of montesori method of learning, seem to be very successful. Biodynamic agriculture is also a result of his theories, it's basically organic agriculture but with a spiritual element of constilations of stars and planets deciding the right time for sowing and harvest. Aldolf Hitler, also Austrian born, didn't approve of him defending the Jews, but this doesn't mean that Steiner was no racist. Very often a race theory is denied by supporters of anthroposophy or they're not really aware of it but it however does exist and even in the man's own hand-writing. Not many people are highlighting this irrifutable fact.
A curious thing about European occultists is that many of them seem to believe in some mythical island of which the Greek philosopher Plato had once been writing something. Atlantis is believed to be the most ancient civilization that was hit by some catastrophe due to evil behavior and the "good guys" fled to either side of the Atlantic before the island disappeared to the ocean floor. Those who fled to West were believed to be the ancestors of the Incas and Aztecs while those who fled to the East were Egyptians, hence the fact that on both sides of the Atlantic pyramids were built. This is the theory of it anyway because the symbolism differs. Where in Egypt the pyramids contains the graves of kings (farao's), in America they were simply a symbolic and artificial representations of mountains.