Subcommandante Marcos
(date of birth unknown)
Subcommandante Marcos, the famous mysterious man with the ski mask and pipe is the new Zapata to many indigenous Mexicans, in particular the Mayans in the Mexican state of Chiapas, where he, like Emiliano Zapata before him, is fighting against large landowners and the violence against people. Like president Díaz had his rurales that committed a reign of terror in the days of the Mexican Revolution, so is there still terror and suppression against the poor people in Mexico. He is a very intelligent and learned men who can speak many languages and is always open to negociations with the Mexican government as well as interviews with reporters. For this he erected the EZLN (Ejército
Zapatista de Liberación Nacional or Zapatista Army of National Liberation) in 1994. The movement is fighting exploitation by the rich in one the richest states of Mexico, Chiapas, of the poor people and against capitalism and neo-liberalism. In contrast to other guerilla movements, the EZLN makes use of mass media and even has its own internet website to reach out for international support. This makes the EZLN very modern. Also by trying to avoid violence as much as possible. In fact, compared to Subcommandante Marcos, Zapata was quite ruthless. Nobody knows who he is, and this mystery has fed the imagination of many. In interviews it shows that he is friendly and attentive and has no chip on his shoulder at all. And in contrast to many guerilla rebel movements the EZLN is not seeking violence but rather negociations and has no corruption as it was with the FARC in Colombia. Recently Subcommandante Marcos has written a letter to president Felipe Calderón of Mexico.