NDN Support Latin America




Brazilians and the Amazon


We fight them too!

Yes, believe it or not, but the foreign companies that operate in the Amazon forest are not our friends, not even if they come from the same countries that we live in. Royal Dutch Shell (Dutch-British), Chevron (American), WTK (Indonesian logging company) are all either polluting or destroying the forest. Chevron has polluted it, WTK has illegally annexed land in the Amazon of which a large part is native territoty, with the use of false documents according to Greenpeace sources. But also

domestic Brazilian goldmining companies are destructive. We have no problem with it whatsoever if Brazil will kick out those foreign companies, but if Brazil will replace them with domestic companies who will do exactly the same thing, then yes, we will protest that too. To the forest it doesn't matter who is doing the damage!


Only one Earth!


Yes, the struggle is a GLOBAL one! Organisations like Greenpeace are ALSO active in their own backyards but the environmental issues do have a global impact so yes, we also deal with countries like Brazil to protect the rainforest and hereby I also protest the dispicable bad treatment of Dutch biologist Marc van Roosmalen by the Brazilian authorities. The man is everything but a criminal and has done great work for the protection of the forest.

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