NDN Support Latin America




Brazilians and the Amazon



The Amazon is more than just Brazil!

Quite often heard among Brazilians: "The Amazon Forest belongs to Brazil!" As already pointed out at the beginning of this article, the Amazon resides in more countries than just Brazil. The Amazon is not Brazil, it is a vulnarable eco system that has been there for millions of years. So it's time that instead of calling the tribes that have lived in it for so long "primitive" and "stone age people" it would be wiser to try and learn from them how to live off the forest without destroying it. As most Brazilians are christians I'd like to remind them of the stewardship and responsibilty for Creation as being mentioned
  in the Holy Bible.

NGO's are exactly that... NGO's!

One Brazilian who was debating on youtube claimed that he didn't trust any of "our" NGO's, that they "work for governments" in order to "steal Brazil's resources". I have honestly never heard anything more ridiculous! An NGO, a Non-Governmental Organisation is exactly that... a NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATION. Meaning they get no money from any government as they are erected by CITIZENS, not by governments. Besides, even Brazil has a Greenpeace office in Sao Paulo so apparently also Brazilians care about the Earth and show concern for the Amazon rainforest. So this sort of makes me which kind of Brazilians are so fanatically protesting our efforts to save the Amazon.

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