NDN Support Latin America




Brazilians and the Amazon




No country in the world has any plans to invade Brazil!

It's not like Brazil is on everybody's list as the "Envy of the World". I'm not saying that no one is interested in your resources but that's only the businesses but apparently your government let them in because they benefit from it. But if you kick out the Japanese logging companies or American Chevron, please do it to protect the rainforest and not because you want your own domestic businesses to do exactly the same thing? Therefore there is no reason to panic and take up arms


and fight off foreign invaders. No one will gain anything by not respecting Brazil's sovereignty.


Natives are also Brazilians!


Any Brazilian who says that the Amazon doesn't belong to the natives and that "we can do anything we want with it" is in fact not recognizing the fact that Indians are also Brazilians. Anyone who thinks that unlimited logging and destruction of the rainforest is okay, is actually saying that natives simply don't count. Their protests are being ignored because of this failure to recognize them as equal citizens of Brazil. Their livelihood depends heavily on the rainforest and on unpolluted rivers while they have as much right to their existence as anyone living in cities like Rio de Janeiro. Brazil doesn't need Belo Monte and Brazil doesn't need unlimited logging. Once the forest is gone nobody is going to make a profit anymore from selling timber, or will they?

"I also am a Brazilian!"

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