NDN Support Latin America




Brazilians and the Amazon


4. "You Americans and Europeans should look at your own backyard. You have put Indians on reservations and destroyed most of your own forests. Who are you to lecture us then?"

It's true that Europeans and Americans have destroyed most of their forests and have mistreated Indians, BUT THAT STILL IS NO EXCUSE FOR BRAZILIANS TO DO THE SAME. Never blame Americans and European citizens for what their governments are doing. The protests come from CONCERNED CITIZENS, not from governments or politicians. I am a Dutchman for example, but I have nothing to do with what my government does. That is out of my hands. No amount of fingerpointing is going to help anything.

5. "The forest will rejuvenate itself"

Anyone saying this has got to be very ignorant about the eco-system of the tropical rainforest. Tropical rainforests are extremely vulnerable because the layer of humus is very thin due to the fact that it decays very quickly in humid and hot temperatures. Therefore it is very quickly washed away by tropical rains making chances for rejuvenation go down to almost zero. Also, biodiversity in tropical rainforests is immense so whatever is destroyed is gone forever. Even though a path through the forest cut with a macheta will grow back quickly, this is however never true for uprooting trees or burning forests. And because we know today how the WHOLE PLANET is interconnected we can safely say that destruction of the Amazon is a crime against all of humanity.



American Indian Movement

This is to show you there is also a Native Struggle in North America, Brazilians!

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