Deforestation not the only threat
But deforestation is not the only thing that is threatening the rainforest. Also the building of dams for hydro-electricity is dis-rupting everything. Certain areas that are usually not all that wet will suddenly contain more water which is only attracting snakes into it. And the there is this neverending gold rush that gives people a rather unhealthy interest in the Amazon. And the digging of deep holes isn't even all there is to it, 'cause for centuries mercury has been used in gold mining, a toxic heavy
metal that kills all the fish in the rivers. And then I haven't evenentioned the oil companies like Chevron yet that are polluting the erea and yet keep denying all the allegations . But know by now that all oil companies (also Shell, Esso, BP and Texaco) are all trying to pull the wool over our eyes by getting our of their way in showing us how "green" they are on their websites and in their television commercials, but in the mean time we know better than to take any of their lies seriously.
World heritage
Van Roosmalen was the first to suggest making he Amazon world heritage. After being impressed by the beauty of this unique natural area of rivers and forests this doesn't need to be a surprise, although to his surprise and ours as well, the Brazilian authorities were not exactly amused to hear about his proposition. On the contrary even, he even faced false charges and a prsion sentense of 14 years. Although the charges have been dropped they now suddenly decided to appeal to a higher court, which