untouchable then, how come that the DEA, US Marshal Service, FBI, the FDA, etc. were able to stop the Hemp Project on Pine Ridge, destroying the crops and threaten people with imprisonment? How come once again govern-ment authorities once again get away with violation ano-ther treaty while there was official persomission from the tribal government for the growing of industrial hemp. It was known that it was industrial hemp so the FDA had no business being there. How come that Mohawk people, including a tribal chief, get arrested on their reservation for selling tobacco? Because they pay no taxes to the federal government? Are they supposed to? Do we want Canada to
pay taxes to the US government or vice versa? Or is it because the sigarettes were "unfair competition" because they are cheaper? Why is it that Leonard Peltier was incarcerated by the US, that Canada extradited him to the US and not to the Tribal Government of Pine Ridge? How come that the US government has jurisdicion on "Indian territory"? What part of Indian sove-reignty is real and which part is make believe? Even worse, the man denied poverty on the reservations, he came to the Navajo to buy gasoline from them he said and if I could name just one reservation where there is this poverty, he would drive up there to have a look. So I named Pine ridge in South Dakota, which is the best known one of all and really poverty-stricken. And after that he suddenly didn't want to bother going there. So it just struck me that he just wan-ted to be right for the sake of being right in his fabricated opinion. But what surprized me the most what he had resorted to willful and deliberate ignorance because just maybe it cause him embarassment, loss of face or hurt his fragile ego? Would it perhaps hurt him that his belo-ved America could be wrong about something? Yes, I'm a European and I admit that I have ne-ver set foot on American soil (yet), but that doesn't necessarily make me more ignorant than Americans who live about next door to Indian people. You also need to really be willing to know about something. And not just talk about Indians to people but also with Indians themselves. So I say thank God for the internet. Without it I would never have been able to find people, sources and information and I'm still learning too.
Thing is, Indian media exist, but the question is how many non-indian listeners will tune in to native radio stations or look at Native American websites. This really does matter though, because Indians make up a very small minority in North America today so it really is important to have more people informed about what really is going on in order to see significant future improvement.