Darwinism not necessarily atheist
Contrary to what many people believe, Darwinism is not necessarily only referred to by atheists because some religious people also believe in evolution (as some natural process after Creation). Other racists who do not believe in evolution, like the Mormons, believed that darker skin colour is a punishment by God for their sins. But just for the record, I'm not saying here that all evolutionists are racist, but Darwin was one and his theory has very frequently been used to justify racism anyway.
Mellie Uyldert (1908 - 2009)
A famous new age celebrity in the Netherlands was un-doubtedly Mellie Uyldert, astrologist and herbologist. She wrote books about the spirits of plants, about biorythmics, about the healing powers of gem stones, about healing plants, etc. She also believed in fairies and gnomes so you could she was eccentric. She appeared to have a lot of knowledge about the esotheric but unfortunately she too was a supporter of theosophy and anthroposophy and openly declared that she opposed race mixing. Back in the seventies she would still appear on television but after two authors wrote a book about her after detecting racist statement in her books as well as in her magazine De Kaarsvlam (The candle flame) she refused all interviews and things went silent around her. She spent her last days in an anthroposical home and was still giving lectures on various