NDN Support North America  

The invisible Indian

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  But not only are the media usually ignoring, quite often there is even boldly censored by media,   record companies and others as is evident in the following interview with Californian rockband   Redbone in a video section taken from Dutch television.

  Translation of the introduction by narrator Robert Long:

  Wounded Knee lies remotely and hidden on the Great Plains of South Dakota. For the average   American it is no more than a tourist attraction where one can visit the mass grave of the Sioux   Indians who were butchered there in 1890 by the American Army. Tuesday, the 6th of March of   this year Wounded Knee was occupied by some 200 armed Indians in a desperate attempt to   once again get attention to the appalling living conditions of America's original inhabitants. FBI   agents and federal marshals have raised a heavy blockade around the little village. At night   gunshots are fired...

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