NDN Support Latin America


Human sacrifice


Once we get started about discussing human sacrifice it seems that it will take a while before we can stop. As being said, it occurred world wide and in some cultures it hasn't even stop-ped in this day and age. In India still widows are burned when their husbands have died. In Africa there are still witchhunts like in medieval Europe, and someone, sometimes even a child, is accused for causing bad weather or a failing harvest. The ancestors of the jews (Phoene-cians) engaged in infacide. They were one of mankinds oldest known civilizations. This only goes to show that no culture is perfect and that no one has to right to impose or try and "civilize" another culture, because this is no-thing but arrogance and cultural chauvinism.

Moloch statue in museum at Bohemian Grove, California, USA.

Phoenecians sacrificing a jewish child to Moloch

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