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Rigoberta Menchú (born 1959)

Rigoberta Menchú, is a native Mayan activist from Guatemala. In her book "I, Rigoberta Menchú" se describes the mistreatment of Mayan people and the horrid way in which her family was killed by the Guatemalan army. Although some of her claims were questioned by an American anthropologist called David Stoll who seem ed to be out to create a controversy, his claim that her family was not killed by the army appeared untrue. In 1992 she won the Nobel Peace Prize for her work although some think she supports armed resistance. She's

a Goodwill Ambassador for UNESCO. Extreme human rights abuses and the killing of peasants and indigenous people are nothing new in Central America and especially not in Guatemala. Today Menchú is living in exile in Mexico as journalism and human rights activism is extremely dangerous in Guatemale. Many priests, bishops, human rights activist and reporters have already been killed by organized crime in that country. Unfortunately conservative websites like American Thinker will always be going out of their way to discredit anyone supporting human rights in banana republics, inaccurately drawing entirely on the research by David stoll and accusing them of "marxism" while the socialist regime Guatemale once had at least gave the people some workers rights. That was ultimately overthrown by the United Fruit company (now Chiquita company) and the CIA with the consent of US presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy openly supporting illegal military coups.

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