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  About playing Indians

  Page 7

   Every person with a healthy common   sense should notice straight away that   there is something wrong with this   picture. That's right. What on earth is   that yin-yang symbol doing on the tipi?   Whenever you can notice something   like that where different cultures are   mindlessly combined it's obvious that   we're once again dealing with a   new age scam. And this particular scam   you're now looking at is even less   innocent than it looks at first sight.

  Because this is the site where 4 people died in a fake sweat lodge ceremony in Arizona in 2009   as organized by Arthur Ray and the plastic covers he used for it caused serious health problems   for the participents that were in it. They even had to pay $9,000 to participate in this lethal   madness. So this a warning to all who are interested in Native American ceremonies:




   Basically Native American ceremonies are (not surprisingly) for Native Americans.

  Paying money to take part in the ceremonies is absolutely NOT DONE. Do you really that think      Indians have to pay for it too?

  If combined with anything alien to Native American traditions like reiki, yoga, tai chi, taoism,       buddhism, christianity it's definitely FAKE.

  If the local "guru" leading it is some charismatic but dominating guy he is definitely dangerous.

  If scepticism is discouraged and they want to make you believe there is something wrong with      you because you are, believe me, there is something very much wrong with THEM!

  Will you receive some fancy "Indian name" right after? Wow, wasn't that easy? You'll know it's       a scam for sure. And always remember, Indian names are for Indian people.

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