Some websites are presenting apologies to native peoples as good news, but are they really? It started in 2008, with the apology by Kevin Rudd, prime minister of Australia, to the the vicitms of the Stolen Generation. He was speaking words of reconsiliation and working together but only a year after it appeared that Australia's Labour government was getting even thougher and more patronizing towards aboriginal peoples than ever before. This crackdown in Alice Springs and other places wasn't so willingly broadcasted to the world by Australia like the "Sorry Day" was for obvious reasons. Sadest thing is that the "sorry day celebrations" and the happy faces and euphorism of the time has been replaced by
bitter disappointment and disenchantment over the empty and hollow promises. This is just part one of his long speech. For anyone who wants to see part two, double click on the video and it will take you to the YouTube website. It was long and eleborate and broadcasted all over the world and the world never knew what happened after and how the wool was pulled over everybody's faces with these lies expressed by the Australian government.
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